Vacuum lift for baggage at Linköping Airport
Linköping Airport (Sweden) is a smaller airport that helps about 150 000 passengers travel by air every year. Linköping utilize our baggage lifter the Basic. The lifting tool is installed outdoors. It is being used all year round in the Nordic climate, even in the colder winter months when the temperature drops.
Baggage handlers often lift baggage from an open trolley to a conveyor belt. The baggage handler uses the Basic´s built-in hook to lift soft bags by the handle, and its vacuum cup to lift hard case bags. The lifting tool is connected to a Bal-Trol (a compressed air telpher) in an overhead rail system, that can easily be substituted by a flexible jib crane. The load can be rotated 360 degrees and it´s possible to release it mid-air. This enables quick and easy handling.