Cardboard box gripper 89-11980

Cardboard box gripper 89-11980

Product inquiry

General Data

Maximum capacity: 56 kg/ 123 lbs

Controls: proportional speed control (PSH)

Weight: 17,5 kg/ 39 lbs

Article no: 89-11980

Serial no: A6531

This cardboard box gripper is perfect for lifting boxes and packages up to 56 kg. The gripper’s vacuum cups are customized for porous materials, such as carton and cardboard. These cups can be repositioned on the frame, to increase or decrease the gripping area depending on the size of the box.

By using the cardboard box gripper, you can work effortlessly and efficiently, maintaining speed and precision while avoiding repetitive manual lifting that can ultimately cause strain injuries.

Lifts All has vast experience in producing lifting tools for boxes. Check out some of our other box grippers here.