Classic B-M – Multi-gripper customized for your material handling
General Data
Maximum capacity: Up to 100 kg/ 220 lbs
Media: 6-7 bar/ 90-100 psi
Rotation: Fixed or rotatable
Article no: 92-10065
Brochure: Classic B-M (pdf).
When you need a lifting tool that meets all the requirements of an ergonomic material-handling aid, and works for almost all lifting tasks, the Classic B-M is the one to turn to. One of the most distinguishable features of the Classic B-M is its configurability. The variety of handles and interchangeable applications available with the Classic B-M makes this lifting tool compatible with your specific material handling needs, regardless of what you intend to lift and how you need to move it.
Impressive lifting capacity
When it comes to dealing with heavy and hard-to-reach goods, the Classic proves it can handle most of these with ease. With a maximum lifting capacity of 100 kg, this lifting tool is ready to tackle the most demanding lifting maneuvers and perform them effortlessly. Whether you need to lift large quantities of material or heavy goods, you can trust that the Classic B-M will get the job done.
Interchangeable applications
A key component in the Classic B-M’s versatility is its interchangeable applications. Tell us what you want to lift, and we’ll equip your Classic with the best application for the job. Regardless of the load you need to lift, barrels, sacks, boxes or other objects of different materials and formats, the Classic B-M will have the right application for you. The applications for the Classic are the same as the ones used with our bestseller, the Basic. These including the H-Frame, I-Frame, hooks and sack lifting vacuum suction cups, etc., all with the same technique for changing applications – the twist. Interchangeable applications provides you with added flexibility of using one machine to lift a range of different products in your work place.
Classic B-M has a big assortment of applications.
Customized handles
From high to low lifting, the Classic B-M comes with an assortment of handles that can be mounted onto it. Whether you need to load pallets, place packets in postal boxes, pick from pallets racing around on a conveyor belt, or just reach the back of a shelf, the Classic B-M has the right handle for the job. Choose between a Classic B-M with a long, short, or angled handle for extra stability, or a single handle for more flexibility. With the right handle, you’ll be able to reach higher up, farther back, deeper down and even stack goods on top each other.
The Classic B-M is equipped with the correct handle for your material handling.
Experience the versatility
The Classic B-M is the ultimate vacuum lifting tool for all who need versatility, power and agility when it comes to material handling. With its impressive lifting capacity, interchangeable applications, customizable handles and possibility to choose between a rotatable or fixed joint, it is the perfect companion for those who strive for safe and easy material handling.