Lifting tools for the pharmaceutical industry
The pharmaceutical industry often has specific requirements for the productions quality and cleanliness. The lifting tools made by Lifts All are customized to meet cleanroom requirements. For example, they can be constructed to withstand thorough and repetitive daily cleaning with ethanol, they can also be made out of polished or blasted stainless steel and have all joints welded to a flawless finish to avoid dirt accumulation. Lifts All’s grippers run on clean, dry compressed air – an energy-efficient and environmentally-friendly alternative. All the air from the compressor and the gripper is expelled from the cleanroom to ensure that the air in the room remains clean and uncontaminated. Exactly how the gripper is designed is determined by our customers’ needs and workplace requirements.
Two of the more popular lifting tools that Lifts All has designed for pharmaceuticals in the past are grippers for containers of tablets, and sack grippers for powder sacks that are emptied into vessels. Lifting pharmaceutical products manually can be heavy and exhausting work. Lifts All specializes in lifting tools that ease manually lifting and, thereby, contribute toward more ergonomically-beneficial working environments.