Basic – the versatile vacuum gripper
General Data
Maximum capacity: 35/50 kg 77/110 lbs
Lifting height: 1,5 m/ 4′ 11"
Media: 6-7 bar/ 90-100 psi
Rotation of load: Endless
Noise level – carton boxes: 63 dB
Noise level – airtight materials: 0 db
Article no (max 35 kg): 93-10034-MK2 (vertical), 93-10035-MK2 (horizontal)
Article no (max 50 kg): 93-10003-MK2 (vertical), 93-10032-MK2 (horizontal)
Brochure: Lifting with Basic: Vacuum & hook (pdf).
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Basic is the perfect gripper for lifting boxes and to use in distribution centers and warehouses where you need to move fast and need the lifting to go smooth. Use this lifting tool with a vucauum gripper to lift cartons, sheets or sacks. This only works with moderately to completely airtight materials. You can also use Basic with a hook instead for lifting bags, buckets and pallets.
How to use the Basic
As soon as the Basic is attached to a surface it latches on and is ready to lift. The user when and how fast the lift should be with the up-and-down triggers that supply proportional speed control. The more the trigger is pulled, the faster the movement. This proportionality in combination with free rotation of the load makes it easy to place the load down carefully and precisely if required.
Benefits of a vacuum gripper
A vacuum gripper is very beneficial to use when you want to be efficient and is very easy to use for lifting and grabbing onto different materials and products. A vacuum gripper can be used on flat and uneven surfaces or porous materials given that the vacuum gripper is customized to fit the load that you need lifting. Our vacuum gripper can be tailored to fit different types of materials and weighs.
Safer lifting
The Basic is a reliable lifting tool. If the required vacuum level is not achieved, the Basic will not lift; and if the vacuum level decreases during a lift, it will slowly descend to the ground. This is to make sure that nobody gets hurt or gets broken.
Different vacuum applications
Depending on the size and weight of the load, a different vacuum application may be better suited for your needs. We provide a series of standard hooks and vacuum applications with either one, two, four or six suction cups – all easily interchangeable. If none of our standard applications suit your needs, we can design and build a customised application just for you.
Basic – gripping with a hook
The Basic comes with an inbuilt hook that is easily accessible when required. This is especially useful for customers who need to lift both boxes and bags. For customers who only need a hook application, we have two specialty hooks. One that will safely and securely hold on to handles on buckets, tins, containers, etc., and one for lifting EU pallets. These hook applications are controlled in the same way as the vacuum applications – just use the up-and-down triggers on the Basic to control movement and speed.
An intuitive tool
The Basic’s handle suits both large and small hands, and can be used by both right and left-handed users without the need for any adjustments. Thanks to its ergonomic design and intuitive controls, learning how to use the Basic takes no time at all. Users quickly realise that lifting work is faster and easier with the Basic than manual lifting or lifting with a colleague.
Available in 4 designs
The Basic is available in 4 designs. Depending on what you want to lift you can choose from a Basic with a vertical or low built horizontal BalTrol. Both the horizontal and the vertical Basic comes in two variations with capacity of either 35 or 50 kg.
Dependable technique
Lifts All has been in the business of designing and manufacturing pneumatic lifting tools since 1994. Thousands of unique, customised lifting solutions have been produced by the company. The Basic was developed from all these years of experience, testing and development. It is the result of a technique you can depend on.